DC Circuit MCQ -measure the e.m.f of a cell with a voltmeter

Thursday, 28 November 2013

DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers

Can you measure the e.m.f of a cell with a voltmeter? 

Not exactly, it's the reason that when a voltmeter is connected across the cell, current starts flowing through it. This causes the voltage drop across the internal resistance of the cell. Consequently, the voltmeter indicates not EMF cell. Keep in mind EMF of a cell is the voltage across the terminals of the cell open circuit. Example: a voltage across the terminals of a cell when it is not a current topic.

Fig: Multimeter

DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers - Cells Grouping

Which type of grouping of Cells will be proper to get higher current and voltage?
DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers - Cells Grouping

 Cells Grouping:
Series of parallel grouping of cells, to produce a large number of cells voltage connected in series to produce a stream and a large number of sets connected series such cells connected in parallel, such a connection is called grouping parallel series.

DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers -Algebraic Sum

What is the Meaning of Algebraic Sum?
DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers -Algebraic Sum

Meaning of Algebraic Sum: Algebraic sum is one in which the sign of the amount taken into account. Example: If O flowing towards the current point has been assigned a positive sign, then the stream that flows from the point O will be assigned a negative sign. Similarly, if the voltage increase is assigned a positive sign, then fall voltage will be assigned a negative sign.

DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers

Sunday, 17 November 2013

DC Circuit MCQ Short Questions Answers

1. Why cell possess internal resistance?
When current flows through the cell, he meets the resistance of the electrodes and the electrolyte. This flow resistance offered by the cell is called its internal resistance.

2. Why Wheatstone bridge circuit is called?
Circle is called a bridge that bridges the galvanometer opposite nodes of the circuit.

Advantage of Parallel Circuits DC Circuits Short MCQ Questions Answers

D.C CIRCUIT Short MCQ Questions Answers 

Advantage of Parallel Circuits:

The most useful property of parallel circuit is that the potential difference has the same value between the terminals of each branch of a parallel circuit.
a. Same rated voltage devices but can be connected in parallel different powers without disturbing the performance of it. So V 230 can be operated 230 W TV tuners independently in parallel to 230 V, 40 W lamps.
b. If a break occurs in all circles, it will have an impact on other circuits.
c. So the electrical appliances in homes connected in parallel.


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