Network Theorem Short Question Answers Part3

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Network Theorem 

What is the basic of nodal analysis?
Mesh analysis is based on Kirchoff’s voltage law. On the other hand nodal analysis is based on Kirchoff’s Current  law.

What is the advantage of converting current source into voltage source and vice-versa?

The reason one type of source is converted to another type often simplifies the analysis of a circuit containing both types. Any resistances that are in series with a voltage source, whether it is internal or external resistance can be included in its conversion to an equivalent current source. Same as any resistance in parallel with a current source can be included when it is converted to an equivalent voltage source.


Network Theorem Short Question Answers Part2

Friday, 27 December 2013

Basic Network Theorem

What do you mean by a linear circuit element?

Circuit elements are linear when they follow Ohm’s law so that doubling the voltage across them doubles the current through them.

What do you mean by bilateral circuit elements?

Circuit elements are bilateral if current can pass through them in either direction with equal simplicity.

What are the applications of current sources?

1.       They are used to represent certain devices that exhibit a constant current behavior. Transistors are examples of such devices.
2.       Current sources can also be used to represent equipment such as current regulated power supplies. These supplies provide a constant current over some limited range of load resistance.
3.        They can be used in certain network analysis procedures.

Network Theorem Short Question Answers part1

Basic Network Theorem     

Why do we use network theorems and techniques to solve electrical circuits?

1. Through their use a complicated network can be reduced to a simple circuit.
2. Through their use, the analytical solution becomes very easy.

What is the proper use of the terms network and circuits?

The term network is generally used in reference to an arbitrary arrangement of passive components while circuit usually implied the presence of active sources and the current flow. On the other hand there is no hard and fast rule for making these distinctions and the terms Network and Circuit are often used interchangeably.

What is the difference between a mesh and a loop?
A loop is any closed path of a network. On the other hand a mesh is the most elementary form of a loop and cannot be further divided into other loops.


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